Everything I Learned About Women Came from 90s Country Music – Emmett Christolear
for Mom
I sang back up for your divorce
song in the car that I picked out
for you with Dad. I learned
every word to your strength
song while we dusted and
sang the CMT top 40.
You sang my womanhood
song on the way to the mall,
where you bought a three pack
of sports bras and a Lego set
for me. You didn’t laugh
like the boys when my breast
began to sting during touch-
football or when I called
you from school for a change
of underwear and shorts.
You taught me my first break-up
song, thickening your drawl
with the banjo. I would have cried
that song for hours if you
had not taken my head
to your lap and hummed
my cradle tune, I L-O-V-E.
Y-O-U, in your best Dixie twang.