Raksha Muthukumar
- Kaanjithinai / காஞ்சித் திணை
Mateo Biggs
- Rotten Thoughts
- That You Will Remember Me
Hannah Burns
- An Ode to Voicemails from Borderline Mothers
Mary Liza Hartong
- Writer’s Block
Kyle Yockey
- Feral Treats
Aubrey Threlkeld
- Dudley’s to the Ace Basin, 2003
- Cumberland Island
Jayden McCree
- Burning
RK Fauth
- The Homosexual Botanical Tradition
- Come slowly—Eden!
- Love Poem
X. Ramos-Lara
- afuera
Erin Slaughter
- I love you, Tallahassee
Michelle Holley
- For AW
Kale Hensley
- Nymphonics
- Sappho to Erinna in Technicolor
Rushing Pittman
- Reeling the tree line out of my chest
Maggie Wolf
- Unmother
- Surveys, Maps, and Mothers: L